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11 benefits of vegetables for dogs

Many people believe that dogs do not require vegetables, but this is a controversial subject. Others believe that feeding their dogs an all-meat diet will provide them with all the nutrition they require.

Let's start with where dogs fall on the herbivore-carnivore spectrum. They aren't carnivores in the same way as cats are. They are not herbivores like cows and horses, either. Although dogs are carnivores, their diet is far more diverse than that of cats. They fall between omnivores (plant and meat-eaters like pigs) and carnivores in the food chain.

Vegetables have indeed been eaten by dogs, wolves, and other wild canids for thousands of years. Wild canines consume their prey's gut contents, which frequently contain vegetation. They also scavenge plants such as herbs, vegetables, and fruit (like berries).

Vegetables help in the alkalization of your dog's body.

Your dog's health needs to keep the alkalinity and acidity of his diet in control. In a more alkaline environment, certain organs function better. The liver, pancreas, gallbladder, hormones, heart, and kidneys are all part of this system. Meat proteins raise the body's acidity. That means balancing these proteins with veggies that have an alkalinizing impact on the body is a good idea.

Vegetables that form an alkaline environment

These vegetables have alkaline-forming effects ranging from moderate to strong.

· Alfalfa sprouts

· Asparagus

· Avocados

· Broccoli

· Cauliflower

· Celery

· Garlic

· Ginger

· Lettuce

· Parsley

· Peas

· Seaweed

· Watercress

Nutrients In Vegetables For Dogs

While your dog needs meat to get all of the amino acids it requires, veggies assist to balance its diet. They also provide vital phytonutrients not present in meat. However, grains and legumes such as peas and beans should be avoided. They're heavy in starch, which can worsen or even cause a variety of illnesses. Many of them are treated with glyphosate, a toxic herbicide.

Vegetables Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Dogs who consume kibble suffer from chronic dehydration. Dehydration relates to issues including kidney disease and bladder stone formation. Adding some vegetables to your dog's food might help him stay hydrated.

Vegetables are a great source of hydration. Water makes up more than 85 percent of cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Vegetables For Dogs Are High In Vitamins

Raw veggies contain several vitamins for your dog, including:

B vitamins are a group of vitamins that help the body with energy, enzyme and nervous system function, immunological response, and metabolism are all aided by this supplement. Vegetables include numerous B vitamins, but they are deficient in B12 and B1, so your dog requires meals such as liver and eggs.

Vitamin C and Co-factors produce Vitamin C on their own, but they require cofactors to help their bodies utilize it. Your dog may require more vitamin C as he gets older or if he's agitated.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Improves immunity, and eye health avoids skin diseases, and aids in the development of strong teeth and bones.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that aids in the prevention of cancer and other illnesses. It also encourages the growth of healthy skin and hair.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It aids in bone development and repair, as well as liver function.

Vegetable provide minerals

Calcium, potassium, and magnesium are all vital minerals found in dark leafy green vegetables. Minerals can also be found in vegetables like alfalfa and seaweed.

Alfalfa roots penetrate 40 feet into the subsoil, absorbing nutrients from the soil. Seaweed absorbs minerals and micronutrients from the water.

These foods must be organic and free from synthetic fertilizers.

Phytonutrients are found in 7 vegetables

One of the most essential types of nutrients you can provide your dog is phytonutrients. Phytonutrients, on the other hand, are only present in fruits and vegetables. So, if your dog exclusively eats meat, he's losing out on a lot of nutrients.

Phytonutrients are substances that have health benefits. These micronutrients can:

- Reduce inflammation

- Kill cancer cells

- Promote gut health

- Support a healthy liver by promoting intestinal health.

Vegetables support dog digestion

Enzymes are proteins that aid in the digestion of food and the control of metabolic processes. Spinach, tomatoes, and asparagus are vegetables that are rich in enzymes.

Some enzymes can pass through the acid in your dog’s stomach and into his intestine. These enzymes that have managed to survive are anti-aging, anti-degeneration, and pro-health.

Antioxidants are found in vegetables

Vegetables and herbs have antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene. They protect your dog from unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals are a significant contributor to ageing and illness. They've damaged molecules that build up in your dog's body like rust and harm your dog's cells and organs.

Fibre improves your dog's health

Raw veggies are rich in fibre, which passes mostly undigested through the intestines of dogs. When fibre reaches the colon, bacteria there ferment it to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs are then utilized to provide energy, produce immune cells, and protect the mucous lining in the gut.

Fibre is beneficial to your dog in more ways than only SCFAs. Fibre also provides other health benefits:

  • Increased fibre consumption can lower cancer risk.

  • Antioxidative properties are found in fibre

  • Toxins are eliminated from the body by fibre

  • Fibre adds a feeling of fullness

Check out our selection of wet and dry food which includes vegetables and contains all the nutrients necessary to meet your dog's daily nutrient demands.


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